Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello, I just got this from the OCSO, it was a mater of time for the bad guys to come out.... Dave

Haiti Scam Alert:Don't be fooled......
More than 400 Internet addresses related to Haiti have been registered since Monday's devastating quake, Internet security expert Joel Esler said. The names reference Haiti and words such as "earthquake," ''help," ''aid," ''victims" and "survivors."
A lot of these Web sites feature a "donate" button but either the money will never go to the relief fund or they will just harvest your credit card number for use later.
Those who want to send money or assistance should contribute to organizations they are familiar with and should be careful not to respond to unsolicited e-mails, according to the FBI.
Use the following tips to help you avoid scams.Check out any organization at sites for the Better Business Bureau (; the Foundation Center (, or Charity Navigator (
Don’t use Web sites that ask for detailed personal information, such as your Social Security number, birthdate or bank account and pin information.
For more information please contact the Economic Crime Unit at
407-254-7000 number and ask for the EC Unit.

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