Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Please be carefull

I received this from OCSO, this is pertaining to the whole area.... Dave

In the past couple weeks we have had an increase in overnight car burglaries, in most of the cases the car doors were left unlocked.  Please remove all items of value from inside the vehicle: electronics (to include power cords), GPS, loose change, purses, keys to other vehicles, garage door openers etc. Park vehicles in well lit areas, set your car alarms and secure your belongings.

If you see something suspicious while driving back and forth from your daily activities, contact Orange County Sheriff's Office at 407-836-4357 or 911 if you believe it is an emergency.  Please do not delay reporting information, this will make it difficult to follow up on potential leads.  If you "see something, say something."

D/S Alberta Gilbert, FCPP, FCP

Orange County Sheriff's Office
Crime Prevention Unit
Sector One
Office:  407-254-1001

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Main Entrance

This is getting crazy at the main entrance, please do your part, and obey the signs. It is a shame we have had to have the signs put in.  But it is getting to be a very big problem there. Please think of the children that are walking home from school, it is so bad with the traffic that is there at the corner. PLEASE OBEY THE NO PARKING SIGNS, before it is too late...... Dave