Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Scam

Now the bad guys are doing a scam with the IRS....

Scheme's e-mail uses fake IRS logo to seek personal information
The start of tax season is here and, already, fraudulent schemes are targeting taxpayers. Popping up in some South Florida inboxes is an e-mail message asking respondents to fill out an "updated version" of the W-2 form, the form most employees receive regarding their wages and taxes withheld.
The e-mail messages in the scheme sometimes use the IRS logo, but the messages are not from the Internal Revenue Service.
"The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mails regarding tax returns, financial information or any personal identifying type of information," said IRS spokesman Michael Dobzinski.
The IRS won't ask and generally won't discuss any personal tax matters by e-mail, he said.
The e-mail is not from the IRS if the sender's address doesn't end in .gov.
Other tipoffs to the fraud are incorrect grammar and misspellings.
If you get one of the e-mail messages, Dobzinski advises, do not open any attachments, send it to or delete it
If you're eager to get going on tax season, you can go to and look at what's new for this year's filing season You can start submitting returns electronically Jan. 15

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