Thursday, October 8, 2009

BOLO Bent Oak Look Out

Man this is getting too close, please check your vehicles and LOCK them up, and remove valuables...... Dave

The ALERT below was forwarded to me earlier today by a Sweetwater Country Club (Orange County neighborhood w/entrances off Wekiva Springs Rd.) NW coordinator who received it from another SW Watch coordinator last night.
This now makes 2 neighborhoods (one on Thompson Rd. near Votaw) that I know have experienced these types of crimes in the past 2 or 3 days. In the Sweetwater CC instance, however, the thieves also stole a car (see bottom of ALERT below).
Derry Sampey, Coordinator
DLR Neighborhood Watch

btw: Shed total is now 8. Suggestion for new gate/shed lock: Master Lock Magnum. The part on which someone would need to use a bolt-cutter is too short for such an attempt to be successful and is made of boron-carbide. $13.75 at a hardware store. As we all know: If people really want to break in somewhere, they will likely find a way. But we can try to make it harder for them to do so.


Sometime between midnight and 3:00 Wednesday morning, the following violations occurred in Sweetwater Country Club (Orange County):

1) An unlocked vehicle parked in a driveway at Majestic Oak Dr., was entered and contents, including a garage door remote, were scattered on the front lawn. Fortunately, the garage door opener was shut off. Nothing of value was taken.

2) Another unlocked vehicle parked in the driveway next door was also ransacked.

3) At the first address, a second vehicle that parked in the driveway, was broken into and a purse was taken. Illegal use of a debit card from that purse was recorded at 3:53 am.

4) Across the street, another vehicle parked in the driveway was entered and ransacked.

5) On Orchard Dr., a vehicle parked in the driveway was entered and a garage door remote was used to open the garage door. A vehicle was stolen from inside that garage.

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