Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Phone Scam

I got this out of the paper, thought it was interesting..... Dave

Polk sheriff: Phone scam targets grandparents
The sheriff of Polk County issued a warning this week about a telephone scam targeting people with college-age grandchildren.

At least two people have lost thousands in the scam, according to a news release from Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.

"When the victim answers the phone, the person on the other line says, 'Grandma?' (or 'Grandpa?') in hopes that the victim may at that point say the name of one of their grandchildren in response,'' the news release says.

"Then the suspect says, 'Yes, it's me' and uses the name just given to him. The suspect then portrays himself as that person's grandchild, saying he needs money for an emergency."
Recently, someone posing as someone's grandson duped the grandparent into wiring $3,500 to supposedly repair a car that was damaged while he was in Canada.

Then, that same victim got another call from a man who said he was a Niagara Falls police officer. "This man told her that she needed to wire an additional $4,200 to pay for repairs to property that her grandson had damaged during his car crash. The victim complied,'' the news release said.

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