Friday, September 5, 2008


Residential Burglary Prevention

It's not the "Good ole days" any more.... We must all take proactive steps to help reduce the opportunity for a criminal to enter our homes. With a few easy tips we can keep our neighborhoods and our personal homes safer.
Make sure all exterior door have sturdy, well constructed dead bolt locks
Secure sliding glass doors with pressure locks across the center, drill holes into the top track and install screws left sticking out so the door can't be lifted up off it's track. Install a pin that goes thru the door frame & fixed frame.

Lock all windows or "pin" them by drilling a hole at a 45 degree angle between the inner & outer frame and insert a nail with a head large enough to be removed by you.
Don't hide keys around your yard, give one to a trusted neighbor instead.
"Light Up" Thieves hate lights!! Install extra outside lights and use them. Motion detector lights are also recommended. Invest in automatic timers for inside and outside lights.

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