Friday, April 25, 2008

Bent Oak Look Out (BOLO)

Hi Everybody,
I have had two different phone calls on this so be on the guard. There has been teen ager's knocking on doors selling books for an organization but won't say what it is, or leave any information, and they say that they live in Bent Oak. On Tues. it was a young man and when the property owner asked him his name and where he lived, he gave a name Williams and gave an address, well the address does not exist. When I received the call I went right out looking for that person and could not locate him. Today (4/25/08 Friday) I received another phone call and this time the person called the non-emergency number to make a report, I went looking for the young lady but did not see her, maybe she left. So please be on the guard on this issue, and please be safe...... Dave

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