Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bent Oak Crimewatch info

Hi Everybody,
I knew it was too good to last, Bent Oak had some problems the last few days. On 10/1/07 at approximately 7:30pm on Bent Oak Dr. a Black man dressed in somewhat dirty cloths with a shirt that said "Cable" on the back, knocked on a door and said that he was there to cut off the power and needed to get inside the house. He asked if your father was home and the quick acting boy said that he was home but was in the shower. The man was persistent on getting inside the house to cut the power off. The boy said he was not going to let him in, and then the man left. The police were called and they made a couple trips around Bent Oak but could not find anything. That was a quick acting boy that said what he did say, good for him!!!!!

A car was ransacked and a few Cd's were taken, the car was not locked up, the police were called on that one too.

We are getting to that time of the year when we have to be special careful on what we do, so be on the look out for anything that does not look just right, and don't be afraid to watch out for your neighbors, because I hope they will be looking out for your homes too. Lets all get together and be safe...... Dave S.

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