Friday, July 16, 2010

BOLO (Bent Oak Look Out)

Hi Everybody,
I received this from another Crimewatch person from another development, please be on your guard, keep an eye out for a blue van...... Dave

I received this from a NW coordinator in Sweetwater Country Club. Sounds like the guys who kicked in the door in Deer Lake Run last week, so I guess they plan to stay around the area for a while. Keep your eyes and ears open and your garage door down. And, if you have a security system, turn it on when you leave the house. They are obviously very bold and not too worried about being caught. If you see them, dial 9-1-1.
Derry Sampey, Coordinator
Deer Lake Run NW

There was a “kick in” burglary on Orchard Drive in Heather Glen this week. Two black males (early to mid 20’s), 5-6 to 5-9 in height, driving a dark blue van. Please pass the word to the maximum extent that you can. Obviously call 911 if you think you spot them.


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