Friday, April 11, 2008

Vacation Tips

With Vacation time getting closer, here is some good ideas on how to be just a little more safe, and have fun on vacation..... Dave


While you are on your vacation, you can greatly increase our protection by taking the following safety precautions.

Carry traveler’s checks instead of large amounts of cash.

Always carry wallets, purses and bags securely. (Do not leave purses on chairs, under tables or on restroom hooks.)

Keep your cash, jewelry and valuables (such as passports, cameras and airline tickets) locked in your hotel safety deposit box or safe.

Keep track of your keys. (You may consider returning your hotel room key to the front desk while away from your room.)

Do not leave room keys laying around the swimming pool.

NEVER pick up hitchhikers.

Never leave your keys in unattended car, even while running a quick errand or filling up with gas.

While driving, travel on main roads and use maps.

Lock any packages, cameras, clothing or other valuables in the trunk when you leave your car.

At night, park your car in a well-lighted area. Remember to lock doors and roll up windows.

Be wary of solicitors.

Travel in pairs or groups if possible.

Pay attention to your surroundings. Should you see anything suspicious call 9-1-1.

ALWAYS lock your hotel room door, even if just going for ice. Intruders much prefer to walk in rather than crash in.

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