Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Some simple holiday shopping tips from Sheriff Beary
and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Squad

1. Don't become distracted - Stay aware of your surroundings, even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things.

2. Don't carry a purse or wallet in a careless manner - If possible avoid carrying or displaying large amounts of cash.

3. Don't carry cash or valuables in usual locations - Keep cash in your front pocket with small amounts in your wallet or purse.

4. Don't overload yourself with packages - It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.

5. Don't park in dark or unpopulated areas - Park in a well lit space as close to the store or building entrances as possible.

6. Don't ignore strangers as they approach you - At this time of year, "con-artists" may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings. Looking people in the face and saying hello lets them know you saw them and may reduce their desire to attack you. Besides it's the nice thing to do.

7. Don't leave your car unlocked - Remember it takes only a few seconds to lock up your car and put packages into the trunk. "Lock It or Loose It"

8. Don't shop with children without having a plan - Make sure that children know where to go if they get separated and who to go to for help. The cash register clerk is usually a good person to ask for help in stores.

9. Don't forget to have mail and newspaper delivery stopped or a trusted neighbor pick it up if you are leaving town - If mail piles up, it's a sure sign you're gone.

10. Don't leave your house looking vacant - Place timers on lights in various rooms and at various times to give the appearance that someone is home.

11. Don't leave your home door or garage door open or unlocked - Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts. Also, it is not uncommon for people to try to take advantage of others' generosity during the holidays by going door-to-door for charitable donations when there is no charity involved.

12. Last but not least, don't let holiday stress get the best of your holiday spirit - Make time to get together with family, friends, and neighbors. Think about reaching out in the spirit of the season and helping someone who is less fortunate or lonely.

Following these basic safety tips could prevent you or your loved ones from becoming a victim. Remember it is equally important to call and report suspicious activity or people to law enforcement as soon as possible. Doing this may prevent a crime from occurring in the first place.

If you see something suspicious that is not an emergency please call:
407-836-HELP -- EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1


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