I received this from another crime watch coordinator from another development, just thought I would pass it along. Dave
Just wanted to let you know about the phone call I received a few minutes ago in case other people in the neighborhood are receiving the same call.
A guy identifying himself as a rep for GE systems. Says he knows that our security system is an old one and that they will be in the Apopka area. Would like to set up an appt. to come by to upgrade our system. Asked him how he knows if we do or do not currently have a system. He stated that they get that info on the computer but was not sure where the info comes from
Told him I wasn’t interested. He continued to try to talk me into an appt. Explained that we were personal friends with the owner of the security system we have. He made a comment about how did I know the owner of ADT or Brinks etc. Told him it was not any of his business who we had and again that I was not interested and hung up
The number on caller ID is 321-354-9244 and shows up as Borders. Looked the number up on google and there are lots of people reporting calls, back a few months. Don’t know if you want to put out a warning but some people might go ahead and give out info that could put them at risk if it indeed is not a legit call.