Sunday, April 15, 2012

Information from OCSO

I got this from the OCSO, hope it helps..... Dave

Some recommended best practices and preventive measures are:
If you agree to participate, never allow a stranger into your home without verification of credentials and verification from the organization.
If you agree to participate, the preferred method would be a public place such as a restaurant or a library.
Always have another adult present with you the entire time. Never do an interview alone.
Always have a charged phone readily available.
Always verify by calling the organization by calling the number for that organization and not an individual cell phone.
Always check the credentials and if possible make a photo copy. If no photo copier is available, then a camera or camera phone may be used.
Be aware of credentials that appear to be home made.
Terminate any further action if the surveyor has no identification or refuses to provide it.
Inspect and carefully read any documents that you are requested to sign. The decision to sign or agree to anything is yours and your only.
If at anytime you decide the survey or product presentation is not professional or what was initially advertised, terminate it immediately.
Always keep valuables out of plain view, and keep all room doors closed. Do not allow anyone to wander your home alone.
Never consume alcohol with a stranger in your home, and never leave any drinks or open food unattended or near a stranger in your home.
Always write down the vehicle description including tag down.
Request the researcher not bring any bags, brief cases or computer bags in. Request they only bring in documents needed and if a computer is needed, the case be left outside.
Report suspicious activity immediately to your local law enforcement agency, and remember; The decision to participate or continue an interview is yours and yours only.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This is some information from Orange County

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs has developed a new show called Orange County Live! The purpose of this show is to encourage citizens to stay connected with their county government via today’s latest technology, such as the internet, Skype, and mobile phone applications to name a few. Each show will be educational, informative, and interactive for the citizens of Orange County. YOU can participate by being a member of the studio audience! If you’re not able to join us in person tune in to Orange County Government Access Channel, calling in with a question, live chat, or even email your questions in advance. For more information, call Orange County Neighborhood Preservation & Revitalization Division at (407) 836-5606. To become a member of the live studio audience, register here!

Upcoming Show…

v Underage Drinking and Prescription Drug Use ~ This show will engage an in-depth conversation regarding underage drinking and prescription drug use from a medical and treatment perspective. Medical experts will discuss the consequences of abusing alcohol and substances. Law enforcement and community-based prevention agencies will discuss how they're handling these issues locally. It is encouraged that this show be watched with middle school and high school students.

Wednesday, April 25th ~ 7pm to 8pm
Tune in via television: Channel 199 on Brighthouse, Channel 9 on Comcast,

Channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse

Ask a question live on the air call: 407-685-LIVE (5483)